欧洋水产成立于2008年,属于国内专业出口冷冻海鲜及鱼类产品的品牌。我们的年出口量超过2万吨,主要销往欧美地区,所有产品以严格的欧盟标准执行全面质量管控,经得起欧美市场的品质考验,在国内海鲜出口市场始终保持优势。产品来自全球的优质无污染海域,涵盖鱼类、虾、头足类、贝壳类以及鱼糜、裹粉海鲜制品、海鲜配料等丰富种类。来自阿拉斯加的鳕鱼产品,波士顿龙虾、北极贝、北极甜虾、黑虎虾、格陵兰比目鱼等进口海鲜,从海洋到您身边,全程保质、天然无添加。Ocean Treasure (OT) was founded in 2008, belongs to the domestic leading brand which specializing in the export of frozen seafood and fish products. Our annual export is more than 20000 tons and mainly sold to Europe and the United States. Therefore, all of our products are in strict Europe Quality Control Standard and stand the quality-test of Europe and America market. Ocean Treasure always keeps the leading advantage in domestic seafood export market.Our products are from non-pollution waters all over the world, with rich species cover the fish, the shrimp, the cephalopods, the fish surimi, the powder coating products and seafood ingredients. We take all high-end seafood imports from sea to around you, and of quality, all natural, additive free.

南通欧洋食品有限公司 Copyright@2021 版权所有
联系人:毛女士   电话:513-18605133116
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